2011년 8월 11일 목요일

skills post-2 Summarizing and paraphrasing

article name : shark attacks(paraphrasing paragraph 2)

original version : Although, it is possible that you will be attacked, it is highly unlikely. In fact, chances are that even if you see a shark it will not attack you.

 paraphrased version : The probability of you being attacked by a shark is extremely low to take place. If you are in a situation where you have met into a shark, the shark will not attack you.

article name : bear attacks(summarizing)
The fact that being attacked by a bear in the woods is very low. Yellowstone National Park announced that the possibility of you being drowned to death is more like of you to be assaulted to death by a bear. However, there are various ways to reduce the chances of being attacked by a bear. First, stay in groups. Second, stay calm if ran into a bear.

paraphrasing a short summary of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1201607/plotsummary

original version : The final chapter begins as Harry, Ron, and Hermione continue their quest of finding and destroying the Dark Lord's three remaining Horcruxes, the magical items responsible for his immortality. But as the mystical Deathly Hallows are uncovered, and Voldemort finds out about their mission, the biggest battle begins and life as they know it will never be the same again.

paraphrased version : The last part of opens, as Harry, Ron, and Hermione seek for the resisting Horcruxes, magical equipments that allows Voldemort to live for ever. However, as the Deathly Hallows are discovered, Voldemort acknowledges their quest, the largest battle of the century begins making the world different from the past.

summary of my iPod
My iPod, a very precious existence to me.  I can play very fun games with it! Maybe I am addicted to it because there are so much addictive games to it. I also use my iPod for education. I use a dictionary through my iPod. I also use it for wifi. If I have access to wifi, I can go onto the internet and surf.

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